Wenatchee Foothills Properties and Projects

The Wenatchee Foothills are a local treasure that symbolize why many people live in north central Washington—natural beauty, open space, and unparalleled recreational access just outside city limits. The beautiful, rolling shrub steppe is home to mule deer and Western Meadowlark. It is where runners train, families stroll, and children learn about local ecology. They also symbolize why the Land Trust’s work is so necessary. Development pressures threaten quality habitat and recreational access. The Land Trust is working with sportsmen, realtors, local governments, and neighbors to plan for future growth and protect critical areas in the foothills. Views, wildlife habitat, and access to recreation are important for the valley’s future. By developing strong partnerships and engaging the community, the Land Trust is conserving more than the Foothills—we’re conserving our way of life for future generations. 

Read more about the Wenatchee Foothills Community Strategy.

For a list of common plants found in the Wenatchee Foothills, click here.

Conservation EasementsConservation Easements   Fee PropertiesFee Properties   Other Conservation ProjectsOther Conservation Projects

The Wenatchee Foothills has miles of trails to explore.  Visit the Wenatchee Foothills Trail page for more information.