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The Chelan-Douglas Land Trust has been honored to partner with the owners of some of our region’s most unique and beautiful places to protect their vision of their property into the future. CDLT works with each willing landowner to confidentially explore their goals and to determine the best mechanism to protect important habitat for generations to come. As our diverse Land Conservation projects demonstrate, these transactions can take many forms. Here are a few examples:
CDLT has criteria and a process for identifying priority lands to ensure that the land trust uses its resources wisely to further the public benefits such as wildlife habitat, water quality, public access and open space.
The importance of particular criteria differ depending on the type of property.
Examples include:
Bargain sale: a sale for less than appraised market value, with the intent to donate the difference
Conservation easement: a legal agreement between the landowner and a land trust that permanently limits uses of the land to protect its conservation values. The landowner continues to own the land and can pass it on to heirs or sell it, subject to the agreed-upon restrictions. The Land Trust agrees to monitor and enforce the restrictions.
Fee simple: all rights, title and interest in real property
Further documentation can be found at the Land Trust Alliance.
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39 Years of Conservation Success