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Douglas County is home to some of the best intact shrub-steppe habitat in the state and one of two populations of Greater Sage Grouse remaining in the state. CDLT is increasing our work in Douglas Co., with several major projects in development.
The Chelan-Douglas Land Trust is working with Douglas County ranchers on Badger Mountain near East Wenatchee to support working lands and to permanently preserve large swaths of habitat on private lands for the survival of species at risk. Conservation Easements on two ranches now stitch together nearly 10,000 acres of wildlife habitat that supports sage grouse, mule deer and more. Funded largely by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), these agreements allow the families to continue dryland farming and grazing while maintaining and enhancing wildlife habitat in natural areas. The conservation easements ensure that the properties will never be broken up or developed for incompatible uses like housing development or industrial solar farms.
CDLT is currently working with various landowners contiguous to the completed conservation easements. Landowners interested in learning about the opportunities in Douglas County may contact [email protected], or [email protected].
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39 Years of Conservation Success