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What does a healthy river mean for a healthy community? Clean, abundant water and healthy riparian habitat are vital for fish, wildlife and people. North Central Washington’s quality of life and economic vitality depend on the natural functions and scenic quality of our exceptional rivers, streams and lakes.
The White River is the most productive and natural river in our region. Starting in the Glacier Peak Wilderness, the White winds its way through forests and floodplain until it reaches Lake Wenatchee. Every year, it becomes the rearing and spawning ground for spring Chinook, sockeye salmon, and bull trout. The river contributes 24% of the water flowing through Wenatchee River, and its clean water is essential for the farms and communities downstream.
We are protecting wetlands, riparian zones, and floodplains essential for salmon, trout, and many species of wildlife and migratory birds by acquiring property and conservation easements along the river from willing sellers. The Land Trust has protected 683 acres of habitat and over 8.6 miles of shoreline along the White River. By working with the Forest Service, Department of Fish and Wildlife, and local landowners, we have ensured this vital waterway will support the communities downstream, and the wildlife that depends on it.
Success Story: Tall Timber Ranch
Conservation Easements Fee Properties Other Conservation Projects
The White River is a wild place where recreation can be difficult, but rewarding. All CDLT fee-owned land in this area is open to the public but access can be challenging especially when the trees and shrubs have foliage. There is no developed trail system. A winter visit on snowshoes is a great way to explore this wild terrain.
There is no developed parking area in the White River to access our lands. We recommend parking on the west side of the street before the bridge on Little Wenatchee River Road. The WA State Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) owns the land between the road and CDLT property. The WDFW land is also open to the public.
Directions: Head west on Highway 2 and at Cole’s Corner take a right onto Highway 207. The road forks after 4.5 miles. Stay left continuing on Highway 207 along the lake. In another 6 miles, make a slight left onto Little Wenatchee River Road. The bridge is 0.4 miles from the turn.
The best way to view CDLT property in the White River is by water. Visit this post by Wenatchee Outdoors for a guide to boating the lower Whiter River.
Online Resource
Trail maps, directions, more info
39 Years of Conservation Success