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CDLT is currently developing a conceptual design plan for an accessible trail at Saddle Rock Natural Area in Wenatchee. This accessible trail was a recommended future trail construction project identified in the 2023 Saddle Rock Trails Plan. We are using the term "accessible trail" to mean a trail designed to be enjoyed by all visitors - especially trail users with physical, mental, or sensory disabilities - who may feel excluded from other trails.
Check out the links provided below to learn more about the project. Email [email protected] with any questions or comments.
Over the past year, CDLT staff have been working with people who represent the diversity of our communities and important stakeholders to develop a Saddle Rock Access and Recreation Plan. We discussed all of your input to our community surveys in 2022, and looked at where we should invest in improvements to the trail system. Because there is a lot of work to do at Saddle Rock, we know we will need to complete these improvements in sustainable phases.
Online Resource
Trail maps, directions, more info
39 Years of Conservation Success