Castle Rock Trails

Trail Condition

Open - Please avoid using trails when muddy to avoid damaging the trailbed.

Protection of this property is the culmination of years of effort to protect a key piece of Wenatchee's gorgeous natural backdrop. As with some other Foothills properties, Lower Castle Rock is owned by the City of Wenatchee with a permanent conservation agreement with the Land Trust. Open during daylight hours.

Castle Rock Trails

The trail system leaves from the trailhead and provides a few different options for smaller loops. The trail also continues up toward the Castle Rock formation, which is actually on private property. There are public access routes on this private property, but users need to note and respect specific rules at the property boundary.

From Western Ave, turn west (toward the hills) on Castlerock Ave. Drive to the end of Castlerock Ave. There are 5 parking spaces, with 2 additional ADA-accessible parking spaces. Google Maps