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In 2023, the Chelan-Douglas Land Trust acquired the 398-acre Castle Rock Ridge property from landowners Frank Peryea and Betsy Beers. Frank and Betsy purchased the property in the early 2000s when the land was for sale and threatened with development. Public access was allowed on their property through a donated trail easement agreement with the Land Trust for years before ownership was transferred to CDLT. This property increases the footprint of the Castle Rock Natural Area and the Wenatchee Foothills Trail system, guaranteeing permanent community access to enjoy the beauty of the foothills.
The property includes Castle Rock, a volcanic rhyolite formation created some 44 million years ago by the cooling of magma and is an iconic feature of the Wenatchee skyline. It adjoins the city-owned Castle Rock Natural Area which was protected in 2013 during the CDLT Foothills Capital Campaign through a partnership between the City of Wenatchee and CDLT.
Castle Rock Ridge gains substantial elevation from 1,200 to 2,500 feet and joins Forest Service lands at its western boundary. With slopes that face every cardinal direction, the property hosts many animals and native plants, and is critical habitat for wintering mule deer.
This trail system is still being developed, please check back for an updated description and a map.
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