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🌍Columbia Valley Community Health and the Chelan-Douglas Land Trust are excited to continue our Hike for Health Series! Throughout this series, participants will have an opportunity to connect with nature and learn about the benefits nature has on our physical, mental, and emotional health.
A Community Unites to Heal the Balsamroot Landscape After July 4 Wildfire
Date: Sunday, September 15
Time: Meet at the WRAC at 8 am
Join us this Fall at trailheads in the Wenatchee and Leavenworth areas to gather data and welcome trail users.
The Land Trust is looking for dedicated and passionate individuals who are interested in taking care of the trails we all love.
Join our Volunteer Trail Crew and serve as the eyes and ears of the Land Trust on the Horse Lake Reserve property.
Please join us in celebrating the incredible life of CDLT Founder Tina Scull on Friday, September 6, from 4:00pm to 6:00pm. We will meet in one of Tina's favorite places, Horse Lake Reserve at the Viewpoint trail, to reminisce, appreciate, and raise a glass to Tina's legacy.
June 20th marks the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year! What better way to celebrate than by immersing yourself in nature's beauty? Join us for this enchanting walk and make the most of this extraordinary day.
Want to improve the success of our native grass restoration? Want to fit in an upper body workout before your hike or bike ride? Become a Weed Warrior!
Want to improve the success of our native grass restoration? Want to fit in an upper body workout before your hike or bike ride? Become a Weed Warrior!
Join us on Saturday, April 20th at Horse Lake Trailhead for the 4th Annual Sage Fest Event- a volunteer trail event co-sponsored by Chelan-Douglas Land Trust (CDLT) and Central WA Evergreen Mountain Bike Association (EMBA).
Online Resource
Trail maps, directions, more info
39 Years of Conservation Success