
Form:               Bunch grass; densely tufted and erect

Height:              1 to 2 ½ feet

Form:               Bunch grass, in small tufts usually 6 inches across

Height:              Up to 1 foot

Form:               Bunch grass; densely tufted; the flowering stalk resembles Sandberg bluegrass

Height:              7 to12 inches

Form:               Bunch grass; species of wild rye

Height:              6 to 18 inches

Form:               Single-stemmed grass

Height:              8 to 24 inches

Form:               Bunch grass in dense tufts.

Height:              2 to 3 feet.

Form:               Bunch grass, in small, widely spaced tufts.

Form: Bright, light-green appearance, easily identified by its dark purple bulbils

Height: Up to 2 feet

Form: Bunch grass; tall, native large wild rye. Largest cool-season perennial bunchgrass native to the western United States. Forms large clumps with dense spikes that resemble wheat.

Height: 3 to 5 feet

Seedhead: Thick bristly 6-inch flower spikes

Seeds: Reproduces by seed and rhizomes